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Session IDStart Date TitleDescriptionTypeLocation
4897610/2/2024MB- Prince of Peace Catholic School Anxious Generation Book StudyIn the Anxious Generation, author Jonathan Haidt l...In-PersonPRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC SCHOOL
4635910/3/2024MB - Leading for Impact (Evaluator Approval)This course is offered for evaluator approval cred...In-PersonMBAEA - Bettendorf Service Center
4969710/30/2024MB - Building Strong Brains: Supporting Students in Trauma Informed FrameworkParticipants will gain awareness of brain-aligned,...In-PersonClinton Comm Schools
513366/24/2025MB - Making the Most of Teachable Moments Discover how brief experiences can become defini...In-Person 
513387/15/2025MB - What Good Educators DoLearn the essentials for making your time in educa...In-Person 
MB- Prince of Peace Catholic School Anxious Generation Book Study
48976 - 10/02/2024 In-Person
See rubric

MB - Leading for Impact (Evaluator Approval)
46359 - 10/03/2024 In-Person
? Participants must attend all sessions and must attend the face-to-face networks. ? Participants m...

MB - Building Strong Brains: Supporting Students in Trauma Informed Framework
49697 - 10/30/2024 In-Person
1. 100% attendance for all sessions – Minimum of 7 hours 2. Participate in all discussion...

MB - Making the Most of Teachable Moments
51336 - 06/24/2025 In-Person
See Rubric

MB - What Good Educators Do
51338 - 07/15/2025 In-Person
MB - What Good Educators Do Rubric

729 21st St. Bettendorf IA 52722 | Phone 563-344-6481 |
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